Pictures 9-17-07 006

(Photo of a newly sealed Ghana family–proudly featuring a beaming father, two beautiful children, and from the looks of the photograph, a Mother who “knows.”)

I have received, what may very well be my last email from the Moncurs, currently serving as missionaries in West Africa, Ghana. Their latest email and photos follow below the jump. I will miss hearing about their daily labors amongst the Ghana Saints. I will miss hearing about the lives of the Ghana Saints and seeing them in the photos. One of my greatest sense of loss will the be perspective they bring to my all too often careful and troubled life, here in the talkative and well fed West.

And, while it will be good to see the Moncurs again and hear of their experiences with the Ghana Saints, I will miss the update on those saints. I’m sure it will be very difficult for the Moncurs to sing that last farewell hymn in Sacrament meeting in a few short Sundays–God Be With You, Till We Meet Again. (more…)