
Kathryn Skaggs, runs a blog called, “A Well Behaved Mormon Woman” In her latest post, I struggle with her self-anointed title as well as her trademark “Just trying to Do More good one day at a time tDMg”   (more…)

Peterson Reid

Daniel Peterson, long a conservative political activist, has jettisoned the GOP and joined ranks with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a fellow Mormon, to lead the fight for more comprehensive gun control legislation.  Specifically Peterson will labor in Utah, (where he is a professor at The BYU) in an effort to bring some semblance of sanity to Utah’s current gun culture.  When pressed for a comment, Peterson replied: “‘Interpret’ it how you want–but after Mitt’s dismal showing last year and the GOP’s future prospects, I’ve decided to lead a new and more positive, constructive life.”   There have apparently also been discussions of Peterson leaving the newly formed Interpreter A Journal of Mormon Scripture–an online Mormon Apologetic publication–to take a position as the social media editor for Dialogue, a Journal of Mormon Thought.  Neither Peterson, or Kristine Haglund (Dialogue’s current Editor–and shoe fashion guru) could be reached for further comment.

Developing . . .


Peggy Fletcher Stack of the Salt Lake Tribune yesterday published (Mormon stake president gets political at church, laments election results) an unbelievable account of Stake President Matthew DeVisser of a Stake in Sandy UT, delivery his personal political theology  from the pulpit during a stake conference: (more…)

Come listen to living prophets

Starting Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time.  Click on Banner for more details.

Convicted child sex offender Warren Jeffs has fasted his way into a condition which has prompted the state of Texas to induce a coma. Lindsay Whitehurst wrote in this morning’s Salt Lake Tribune: (more…)

Well, it’s official, Warren Jeffs, Prophet–so called of the FLDS church is a convicted child molester.  I did not follow the trial on a day to day basis; however, assuming media reports to be accurate, from what I have read, the State of Texas was able to accomplish what Utah was unable to do–put Jeffs away for life for actual criminal activity on his part.

I have written highly critical previous posts about Jeffs’ Utah trial.  The reasons are clear enough in the prior posts, and I need not repeat them here.  I was also highly critical of the State of Texas’ raid and abduction of all the FLDS children back in 2008.  I remain highly critical of that initial raid, for the reasons Texas gave, and which I covered extensively in the prior posts.

That said, my defense of Jeffs in his Utah trial and my defense of the FLDS people in the Texas raid has nothing to do with my personal view of Jeffs at this point, based on the evidence presented in the Texas trial and the resulting jury’s verdict.  Mr. Jeffs belongs in prison, and life is not likely a long enough term for him, given the horrific nature of his crimes.

The Salt Lake Tribune has some very interesting posts of some of the audio recordings Texas authorities used to convict Jeffs and his delusional ramblings of how he needed quorums of wives, some of whom clearly were underaged.  The recordings are pretty creepy, even when the topic is not sexual in nature.

Jeffs has had his day in court, the evidence presented, and now he serves a life sentence as a convicted child molester.  It will be interesting to see how this impacts his control over the FLDS church he ran, and whether there will be a power play for the position of “prophet.”

In an interesting turn of events, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which is currently deciding the Federal Constitutionality of Proposition 8, which in fact is now a Constitutional Amendment to the California Consitution, has asked the Califonria Supreme Court to weigh in on the standing issue.  Proposition 8, currently embodied in the Califonria Consitution in Article I, section 7.5 of the declaration of rights, reads: (more…)

A new Mormon themed blog, Wheat & Tares has sprung up on the Internets.  It looks interesting with some very good bloggers onboard.  Check it out . . .


Time again for the Semi Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints–Mormon General Conference.  LDS Media Talk has a great post with several links on how best to enjoy this year’s October Conference.    There are also several Blogernacle Links where you can follow conference:  Of course there is the By Common Consent Threads–i.e., The One and Only True General Conference Thread (psst–don’t tell them, but they think they’re the only ‘nacle link out there for General Conference).  Chris H over at FPR has an open thread, mingling the philosophies of men, with conference (and being the social justice guru I know him to be, it will also include the philosophies of women as well). M* also has an open thread.  If you Tweet, the follow #ldsconf for pithy 140 character summaries.  Should be a great 5 sessions.  Come listen to Prophets, Seers and Revelators–messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and mold your life accordingly . . .

I’m not certain what’s going on with John Dehlin and his Mormon Matters Blog—but from all accounts it looks to be a massacre in the classic sense of the word.  There are several good posts up already in the Bloggernacle about this debacle where you can get most of the details.  See Faith Promoting Rumor’s Elder Jensen and the Exploitation of the Sacred Moments, and Times and Seasons post Credible Criticism.  I’m sure there are likely others as well. (more…)